
Showing posts from March, 2024

Preparing for our Mission Trip

It's almost time for us to depart for Charleston, SC, for our annual First Church Youth Mission Trip. From April 7-13, twenty-nine youth and adult advisors from First Church will be spending a week in mission and service to our neighbors in need in scenic Charleston. We've been preparing for months.  Preparing Potatoes at the Potato Booth  In October we ran the Potato Booth at the Apple Harvest Festival to help raise funds. Through the winter we had weekly meetings to build our community and teamwork skills. This spring we've been training important skills we'll need, everything from knife safety when we're in a soup kitchen, to active listening when we interact with clients. It sounds like this trip will involve a lot of hands on work dealing with urban poverty, as well as some other interesting assignments - like volunteering at a dolphin rescue! Teambuilding led by one of our Senior Team Leaders One of the cool things about our Mission Trips is that they are led